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Asia Abdullah

What's Really Going on with Your Skin? part 3: Evaluating your skin needs and prioritizing your skincare plan

Talk to me Tuesday is upon us y’all! The 3rd installment of "What's Really Going on with Your Skin" is here.  Now that we have explored the skin analysis and identifying our skin types, as promised we will discuss evaluating your skin needs and prioritizing your skincare plan! If you’re still unsure of exactly what treatments you should be adding to your tab this is a blog you won’t want to miss! 

pumpkin spice latte facial

So what does my skin need exactly?

First, we must consider skin type.  What skin type do you have? Is it dry,oily, combination? Once identified this is the foundation upon which your skin care professional will build your custom treatment plan. 

Next we must consider the condition it presents in (subtype). Is it aging or acne prone, hyperpigmented or compromised? This will give us clues pertaining to the best way to navigate the cells as they turn over with minimal detours (contraindications/undesirable results/reactions)

Lastly, we must consider overall skin goals. What would you like to see change about your skin? When or how soon would you like to see those changes? What will you change to maintain your result? 

Once a consultation is completed with your esthetician and you all have considered the above factors as well as lifestyle, allergies, and down time, budget, etc, your esthetician will devise a treatment plan. They may  suggest a preferred plan (often the plan that best meets your needs) and alternative treatment plans based on considerations such as your ability to commit and your budget.

When evaluating your skin care needs its important to understand the difference between proactive and reactive treatments, as well as maintenance. Proactive treatments have a preventative purpose, or work to eradicate the expected epidermal response. Reactive products/treatments work to respond to and/or repair the epidermis. Maintenance products are often a combination of both proactive, and reactive products that work to render the best response to treatments respectively (sometimes referred to as “homecare”, "after care" or "client administered treatment").

It is important to note that it is not always feasible for everyone to finance the best treatment plan to address their epidermal needs. For some, regular in office treatments can seem unrealistic, particularly when required in addition to maintenance/homecare products to attain and maintain desired results. It’s important to speak openly about these challenges with your esthetician/skin care professional  so she can discuss your options. A good esthetician will sell quality and while she may not be able to offer direct discounts she can advise you on a plan that you can budget for, and assist you in prioritizing your treatments so your plan does not present unnecessary financial hardship.

At luxe lair we offer several solutions to support our clients that are serious about banishing their blemishes. Not only does our spa offer a signature facial on promotion every month for a price you can depend on, but we also have access to the best products the industry has to offer, alongside a loyalty program that awards cash back, and a commitment to a thorough consultation.   

What are you waiting for? Book your consultation with a member of our team to help you devise a plan to put your best face first! You can book a consultation now using this link:

What are some of your skin concerns? Have you ever had a thorough consultation? What was your professional facial experience?

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