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Asia Abdullah

What's Really Going on with Your Skin?:part 1 Evaluating the Epidermis

It’s talk to me Tuesday and this week we are focusing on the largest organ of your body: YOUR SKIN. If you’ve found yourself browsing the aisles of your local drugstore hoping for a miracle pimple potion you might want to tune in! 

So what is REALLY going on with your skin? Don’t we all want to know; but before we get started let’s discuss some characteristics of HEALTHY skin so we can best identify what’s right with your skin before we delve into what might be concerning! 

Clean and clear and under control

First things first let’s acknowledge that skin in general refers to your entire epidermis and not just the skin on your face. Many people struggle with skin on their body as well and even the skin on their head (their scalp). It’s important to note that the skin on your body is just as big of a reflection of your overall health as the skin on your face might be. Healthy skin is defined as skin that presents with what's identified as normal quality of skin with no abnormalities, such as evidence (symptom) of disorder or disease. 

The skin analysis is a crucial portion of any professional skin care service. This single step is used to thoroughly examine your skin and address any areas of concern. In this step your esthetician or medical professional will evaluate your skin for key indicators of skin health: texture, tone, and clarity. Not only will these components translate into the best course of action in treatment, but it will also assist your esthetician in prescribing the best course of home care after you leave. note that any service performed absent of a thorough consultation and analysis and suggested homecare routine is probably a waste of money

A closer look at healthy skin

The texture of your skin should feel regularly irregular. Real skin is not perfect and displays some texture. While many things can influence the texture you have, from lifestyle habits to genetics, “glass skin” is unrealistic. The texture of your skin should be even, even if it’s evenly textured so to speak. The “even” factor alone indicates that there is no irregularities which can signal a deeper dermal dilemma. 

The tone of your skin refers to how elastic it is. As we know our skin is comprised of an extracellular matrix, which is essentially connective tissues made of collagen and elastin. The ability for this structure (the skin) to be moved and promptly return to its original shape is referred to as its elasticity. Elastic skin is synonymous with youth, so we should all aim to have responsive, elastic skin quality.

Elastosis is the loss of our skins elasticity. Unfortunately,  as we age we age elastosis begins and may appear as skin that is thin, with little to no subcutaneous tissue (fat), or muscular support (i.e. saggy, wrinkled, crinkled, or even leathery) and slow to return to its original state after being manipulated.

The clarity of your skin refers to the luminosity of your skin, or its ability to reflect light. The clarity of your skin indicates healthy cellular/metabolic function, and should present low to no congestion. While obviously visible vessels and veins are not desirable, neither are open or closed comedones, milia, pustules, or pimples which may effect your skins clarity. Our lifestyle effects over 50% of our skins clarity, with the other 50% being contingent upon internal factors such as hormones and genetics. Exercise, eating well, adequate rest, and stress management can make or break your skin health and appearance: all of which can be improved. The care and keeping of you is essential because it will revitalize the way you look and feel. 

Skin displaying moderately severe congestion

The skin is our body’s largest organ, and oftentimes will display the first signal that there is an issue present. Everything from acne to diaper rash is an indicator that your body needs attention. 

Dermal Awareness 

While many factors may come into play in a single dermal diagnosis, the most paramount aspect is dermal awareness. It is important to be able to recognize irregularities as they present. In order to do this you must be familiar with your skin. Examine your skin regularly from the scalp on your head to the soles of your feet; get to know your normal. Be able to describe, in detail, every blemish and every birthmark so that you can easily recognize if there is any change. This can be a sign of something worth seeing a skincare professional, or dermatologist for. 

Aging is inevitable but how we age is a choice and reflected in our lifestyles everyday. Every single aspect of skin can be improved, and every cosmetic concern is worth consulting with a professional. 

Don’t cheat yo self 🗣TREAT YOSELF! Explore professionals in your area that can help you identify any issues, and assist you with your skin goals! It is imperative that we are all both proactive, and reactive to our skins needs. This means corrective care to repair the damage of poor practices of your past, as well as preventative practice to address potential threats to your image. 

Take the best care of your skin because it will represent your for a long time. Having the best skincare, high end self care service strategy, and even eating well are NOT splurges, they are conscious investments in the preservation of your skin and appearance. Preventative care is worth its weight in gold as it can oftentimes eradicate the necessity for more expensive procedures such as plastic surgery and other med-esthetic procedures in the future, which keeps you looking your best for less. Consider the cost of corrective care the cost of not having your priorities together sooner! It can add up but once it’s taken care of the maintenance is reasonably sustainable.

That’s all the time we have for today. This has been the first installment of our 4 part series affectionately named “Falling in love Flawless Skin.” Next Tuesday we will continue this discussion with a focus on identifying your skin type. If you don’t know your skin type, or have trouble identifying it, I hope see you then! 


To book a consultation with our lead esthetician in Spring, Tx you may use the link below!

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